Projekte rund um TeX

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TeX-Nachfolger, TeX-Erweiterungen, TeX-Verbesserungen

e-TeX is an evolutionary development of TeX, and is 100%-compatible, including compatibility at the level of the TRIP test. Propably your next TeX version? e-TeX is already integrated in all major TeX system distributions, e.g., teTeX, fpTeX, TeX Live.
e-e-TeX is a developement of the NTG future group based on e-TeX with the goal to play with extension to e-TeX possibly getting a part of the official e-TeX.
PDFTeX is an extension of TeX which is able to either generate DVI or PDF output. It is not as stable as TeX or e-TeX are, but it is usable and a very good and simple way to generate PDF using TeX/LaTeX. PDFTeX is already integrated in all major TeX system distributions, e.g., teTeX, fpTeX, TeX Live.
NTS, the New Typesetting System, is a modular object-oriented re-implementation of TeX in Java. NTS version 1.00-beta was released in November 2001 and you are encouraged to use it, play with it, and enhance it (e.g., the integration of the e-TeX extensions is still missing).
Omega, an extension of TeX; aims primarily at improving TeX's multilingual abilities.
is a modularized implementation of TeX written in Java. While compatibility in typesetting of existing TeX (and ε-TeX) documents is intended, ExTeX offers a lot of innovations and improvements, like handling of different encodings of input files, improved handling of fonts, optimizations in line and page breaking and also removes some limitations that were caused to lesser hardware power.

Bedienoberflächen für TeX bzw. LaTeX

Lyx is a ``WYSIWYG LaTeX''. It combines the comfortable usage of a WYSIWYG word processor with the high quality of LaTeX. (Needs X11R6 and the XForms library, which is distributed in binary form for some operating systems only.)


LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system, with features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. It is now being actively maintained and developed by the LaTeX3 Project, the most recent version of LaTeX is also called LaTeX2e.
EC/DC Fonts
In 1990 at the TUG meeting in Cork, Ireland, the european TeX user groups agreed on a 256 character encoding supporting many european languages with latin writing. The EC/DC font family are the reference design based upon Knuth's CM font family using this new font encoding. The development version are called DC fonts, whereas the final version will be called EC fonts. bei Fehlermeldungen, Anregungen, Ergänzungen usw. zum Angebot dieses WWW-Servers bei Fragen (Mitgliedschaft, Bestellungen, Nachfragen, Tagungen usw.) an DANTE e.V.

$Revision: 1.4 $ ($Date: 2003/01/20 09:28:42 $) by $Author: german $